
Christmas craft

No photo I’m afraid, but some craftiwork created for Christmas has got me thinking.

I made another kindle cover – for my mother this time – and i was pleasantly surprised that not only did my imagined design make it into reality, but it only took me a couple of hours to make.  It was another version of the cover i’d made, but this time much simpler.  I sandwiched two layers of wadding between two different fabrics, did some wild freestylin’ “quilting” and then stitched the two fabrics together.  then handstitched the sides up so that i could slide the kindle inside, with a long ribbon tacked on to act as a final flourish.  my mother was very impressed.

which all made me think…could i sell these?  is there a market for handmade padded kindle covers? 

not sure what to do with this thought… i don’t have a huge amount of spare time to whip up a few dozen of the things but if i don’t try then i’ll never know.  and if i do whip them up but have no buyers, then i’m going to be giving them away as presents and i’m not entirely sure i know enough people with kindles…

anyway.  a pondering to be continued another day (unless – comment please! what do you think?)


Other christmas craft took the form of baked goods.  mmm….baked goods.

i baked:

  • three batches of Mary Berry’s Gingerbread men (although i used 2tbsps of treacle rather than her 4 tbsps golden syrup)
  • a gingerbread star towers (lakeland’s star towers cutters, used Mary Berry’s Gingerbread men recipe, one batch with the treacle version, one the golden syrup original)
  • a batch of carrot cake muffins, and
  • two batches of mince lies (that’ll be shop bought ready rolled puff pastry filled with shop bought mincemeat)

i ate approximately 73% of all the baked goods and should probably chain myself to the sewing machine on a diet of bread and water to not only make my dozen kindle covers but also to break my sugar and gingerbread addiction.

So that was christmas.  a ho ho ho.